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Open House: The Business Case for Sustainability

Since 2007, the UN Global Compact Network Nigeria has been supporting Nigerian businesses to create a sustainable future. Corporate sustainability starts with a company’s value system and a principles-based approach to doing business. This means operating in ways that, at a minimum, meet fundamental responsibilities in the areas of:

1. Human Rights: We mobilise companies everywhere to close the gap between business aspiration and business action on human rights – which are inherent in all human beings, whatever their nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status.

2. Labour and Decent Work: Advancing decent work and raising the living standards of all workers across operations and supply chains requires all companies to adopt sustainable, responsible, and inclusive workplace practices.

3. Environment: Our efforts address the linkages among various environmental issues — climate, water, and ocean — as well as the social and governance dimensions as the world today is facing unprecedented, interconnected environmental challenges.

4. Anti-corruption: Economies around the world are facing increased financial pressures, as well as disruptions in operations and corporate compliance programs. Businesses are faced with heightened fraud and corruption risks throughout the organisation and supply chain, including risks related to illicit financial flows, organised crime, conflict of interests, price gouging, fraudulent financial reporting, counterfeit goods, and bribery, among other criminal practices.

This Open House event provides a good opportunity for businesses to learn more on how the United Nations Global Compact guides and supports organizations to entrench corporate sustainability principles for the good of society and greater profitability for business of all sizes and sectors.

Date: Friday, June 17 2022
10AM – 12PM
Location: Lagos, Nigeria


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