The United Nations Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. Our aim is to accelerate and scale the global collective impact of business and we want to support your business to carry out its operations responsibly and take action to broaden societal goals. We provide a principle-based framework, best practices, resources and networking events that have revolutionized how companies do business responsibly and keep commitments to society. By catalyzing action, partnerships and collaboration, we make transforming the world possible – and achievable – for organizations large and small, anywhere around the globe.
What you will learn at this event:
- How sustainability can give your company a competitive advantage.
- The latest guidance, training, tools, and support available from the UN Global Compact.
- How to operate responsibly, in alignment with universal sustainability principles
- How to take actions that support the society around you
- Ways to commit to the effort from your organization’s highest level, pushing sustainability deep into your DNA
- Programmatic activities available in Nigeria.
Date: 31st of May, 2023
Time: 11Am – 12:30PM